Slop Spaghetti: The Most Homemade Recipe

This is a recipe that few on this planet appreciate.  I believe that only I and my Aunt Mary are the extant Woltmans that enjoy this wonderful entree. It is a spicy spaghetti made with Campbell's tomato soup and cayenne pepper.

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Kindle / Remarkable E-book Compatibility

I was recently given a hand-me-down Remarkable 2 tablet, which is good because I would never have spent on money it - not because it's not good, but because it's $600 for essentially an e-ink sketch pad.  I wanted to mark up some e-books I own, but they're from Amazon, so I had to figure out how convert them to a format the Remarkable would support.

Here's the quick version:

Hit the read more link if you want to see more details & screenshots (Calibre has a unique interface imo).

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I Don't Care for Gnome

I had to use Gnome the other day and I did not enjoy it.  What started out as a few "hmmm, that's kinda weird" misgivings quickly grew into a more powerful "oh, oh no, this is all wrong" terror.  Everything felt familiar, but slightly off, like a bad dream.

I found that I could not do tasks that I've been doing for decades, such as moving a dialog window out of the way to see what was underneath, nor could I set my background to plain, solid color to cut down on distractions.

Looking deeper I found that Gnome was composed of so many dreadful decisions and baffling behaviors that I was going to have to write a long-winded article complaining about it all.  So read on if you'd like to hear about the many, MANY ways that Gnome is bad, and how to fix it!

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Quick Extract with Ark

While using Linux I was unhappy that, by default, extracting archives like ZIP files is a multi-step process on KDE Plasma.  But, with the help from some others, I have a fix.

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Linux is Fine Now

The phrase "will 20xx be the year of Linux on the desktop?" started as a serious question, but over the past 24 years of it never ever being the year of Linux on the desktop, the question became a punchline.  Except now, in the year 2024, it might finally be true for some people, and by some people, I mean me.  Read on to find out what I think about the experience of using Linux as my daily driver.

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