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Rock Ledge Camp - 2009 Lost-in-the-Woods Edition

This Fourth of July Jen and I once again headed up to the Rock Ledge cabin near Benton, PA.

Just a few highlights from our trip, because the pictures are why I'm posting...

  • Tent City - there were a good amount of tents this year. I borrowed an 8-man monstrosity from Jeff L., and I thought it was big until Rachel showed up with a tent that had partitions in it! I guess you need that when you have two daughters.
  • Tom's 'still was in full gear, and churned out something like 190 proof hooch from sugar and water. It smelled great and went down smooth, much like the bottle of 15-year Glenturret that I gave to Josiah (a present from Scotland). The usual massive amounts of beer were at hand - something like 8 to 10 cases I think.
  • On Saturday we went on a two hour hike that wound up taking, I think, more like 4. After we got thoroughly lost (we being Jen, me, Josiah, and Hannah) we ended up following a creek that led us back to the road.
  • Flip was in good form as the camp chef, and prepared delicious smoked pork shoulders for the meal on the 4th. With grilled corn and lots of to-go-withs it was so damn tasty that even Jen had to have some. Lindsey's homemade jelly was perfect at breakfast, and her salsa was great on chips or even on sandwiches.
  • We lit off tons of fireworks and there's some good pictures of them below.
  • Some of the other guys played with the compound bows, and I actually got some pictures of the arrows in flight!

But the best part of the cabin was not the activities - it was being around the people, the outdoors, and always having the option of not doing anything at all. The weekend was peaceful and relaxing, and I kept delaying our drive back home. I wish that I'd been able to spend one more night, but there's always next year. I'd like to thank Josiah and Philip for inviting us, and Tim for his hospitality and the honor of being part of this tradition. See you next year :-)

This article was updated on July 9, 2009