Flight Home

We arrived at the airport and got in the check-in line. An airport security guard looked at me, and asked if I was traveling alone. "No," I said, "I'm with my Grandma, Mom, and sister." She looked at them, and then asked us if we could follow her. This was supposedly a random pull, but I think that, once again, my perl shirt has gotten me in trouble. They opened up all of our luggage and searched through everything. It's a good thing they didn't find the deadly SOUVENIR BOOKS we were bringing home. When they were done, they told us we wouldn't miss our flight, and would, in fact, be whisked to the head of the line. Turns out there's a separate line for suspected terrorists, and we were the only ones in it. I smiled at all the people who still had to wait, then I headed towards the terminal, and home.