Running the Race: An Inpainting Adventure

I wanted to share some of the experiences I've had with a recent AI art piece.  There's a technique called "inpainting", which I still didn't have much experience with.  This project was a good chance to learn more about it, and what sort of challenges you encounter.

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Converting DokuWiki Blog to Publii

While having a blog in 2023 may be anachronistic or perhaps even crazy, what's even crazier is having content that dates all the way back to 2004. I've managed this in the past by writing scripts to convert from one blog system to another, and the conversion to Publii is no different. 

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Morning in Spring: AI Inspiration & Workflow

I've been having a blast using my computer to generate random images.  A new use I've found for "AI art" is as a source of inspiration.  About a week ago I went down a rabbit hole that ended up with me learning a bunch of other tools so that I could execute an idea that I wouldn't have had otherwise.

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California, Spring 2023

Another visit to California! This time I did not go to Sequoia.  Don't worry, my friends, I still saw some redwood trees.  We had back-to-back jobs, first in San Diego, then in San Jose.  SK and I spent the weekend between jobs at a 76er's game, Point Reyes, and John Muir Woods.

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New Blog Time

I started my first web page in 1998, and the web has evolved a lot since then.  My first few sites were all handwritten HTML/CSS, first using Notepad, then HomeSite (which became an IDE for the ColdFusion markup language).  At Penn State I used a…

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Updated Qt5 Cross-Compilation with Ansible/Ubuntu 18.04

Cross-compiling Qt and Qt-based projects for the Raspberry Pi continues to be an error prone, complicated process.  It's even worse when doing it on CentOS because of the outdated tooling (GCC 4.8?!).  To lower the friction, I updated my cross-compilation Ansible playbooks to work with an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop instead of CentOS.

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