California? Again? Really?

Yes, really.  This time I'm accompanied by my brother Scott and by JTB.  We drove around the Sierra Nevada area to visit Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks.  We took many photos, why don't you look at some of them?  I also got pretty wordy, ick.

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Sequoia Day Trip

I had a free day out in California, so I drove up to Sequoia National Park. I was in the park before dawn, and came across a lone bear walking the road.

After I climbed up Moro Rock, I met a couple from Thibodeaux, LA of all places. It was a good trip, and I was able to get some good hiking in.

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Sequoia - Day 4

Our fourth day took us to Hospital Rock to see Indian pictographs, Crescent Meadow on a frog hunt, and the High Sierra Trail for some breathtaking views of the Sierra Nevada range. A moderately early start put us at Hospital Rock, one of the first attractions along the General Highways' entrance. The trail allows you to access to the Kaweah riverbed. The swollen river rushed by us, while lizards sunned themselves on the rocks.

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Sequoia - Day 2

On the road up into the park (Generals Highway) we encountered our first herd of mule deer. Three of them were walking along the road, munching on the grass and wildflowers. We continued on to the museum. When we got out of the car we were greeted by several more deer, and were able to get fairly close to them.

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Sequoia - Day 1

After a long flight across the country, and an even longer drive to Three Rivers, CA, we finally arrive at Sequoia National Park.

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