Hooray! Another Trip to California

I was once again in California for two consecutive weeks.  I thought my brother needed to come see the West Coast and take in some of the scenery.

He arrived Friday afternoon, and we drove from Los Angeles to Three Rivers, CA.  Three Rivers is the small town outside of the Sequoia National Park.  On Saturday morning we drove into the park, checking out areas of interest like Tunnel Rock and Hospital Rock.  Then we drove up the mountain and parked near the museum.  We took the 1.4 mile trail to Moro Rock, and enjoyed the view for awhile before visiting the General Sherman Tree, the largest living thing on Earth.  After trekking around Cresent Meadow, we headed back to town and enjoyed some pizza and wings at the West Coast chain Pizza Factory.

On Sunday we drove back to Los Angeles and visited Hollywood's Walk of Fame.  We ate dinner at Bluewater Grill in Redondo Beach, then walked along the strip in Hermosa Beach.  Monday morning it was time to get ready for work, so I dropped SW off at the airport and headed for Ontario.  Hopefully he'll be able to come out again and see some more sights.

This article was updated on May 1, 2023