His First Lego Set

Legos are for ages 4 and up, and guess how old JH is?

For Valentine's day my mom got JH his first set of Legos!  It was one of the Lego Classic collections, and contains about 200 pieces and instructions for a bunch of different models.  So far he's put together a lighthouse, a grocery store, a helicopter, an airplane, a pencil & eraser, a cow, and a sheep!

And I'd like to stress that he did the work with almost no help in figuring out the diagrams or the physical assembly.  He even realized he was making mistakes a couple times and fixed them himself.  It just about brought a tear to my eye, because he's already better at Legos than I was.  I can't wait to buy him some more sets!

This article was updated on February 19, 2017