Newgrange... a passage tomb in County Meath. It is said to be older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. The tour started at the visitor center which included a large-ish exhibit chronicling the area's history. There are other passage tombs nearby, but Newgrange is the most famous. We loaded up on a bus for Newgrange, and arrived shortly after.

Outside the tomb we were given some background history by our guide. Then we went inside, but photos were not allowed. Newgrange has a very interesting feature: on the winter solstice a light shines in through a narrow passage, illuminating the inside of the tomb. Our guide used a spotlight to emulate the effect for us, but seeing the real thing requires winning a place by lottery (there used to be a 10-year waiting system before they started the lottery approach).

The Entrance
The Entrance
Entrance 2
Entrance 2
Entrance 3
Entrance 3

Marker Stone
Marker Stone
Marker Stone 2
Marker Stone 2
Marker Stone 3
Marker Stone 3
Marker Stone 4
Marker Stone 4