All hail 2006! You can keep it forever

For the end of 2005, KW, AB, JT, and I headed to New York City, home of the rock duo They Might Be Giants. Pictures and video are available.

We got to New York a little before noon, parked the car and took a bus to Times Square. We stopped and got drinks. JT was bullied until he ordered a scotch, so all of us were drinking (lightly). There was a neat international market with some great goodies: Irish Creme Truffles, Happy Hippos (excellent), Pirate Canonballs (YARGH), and soft licorice chews.

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What I like about different OSes

I use three different operating systems for a variety of things. At work I am required to use Windows XP. At home I use Windows 2000 for gaming. For graphics and programming I use Linux. And for surfing, and video I use Apple's OS X.

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An ancient website

I found a backup of my old old old website from 1997/1998. Back then Internet Explorer 4 was new, VRML was hip, CSS was the latest darling of webmasters everywhere, and I actually enjoyed Windows and hated Apple!

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Glassware and Gaffers

TC and I were in Corning, NY, home of Corning. Corning is famous for their glassware products, along with technical innovations such as low-loss fiber optic cable. They have a really excellent museum, which was a neat place to visit.

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That be O'Lantern, Jack O'Lantern

I returned home on Saturday to visit the family and carve pumpkins for Halloween.

Scott carved his up first. Well, carved is not the right word. "Dremeled" would be a better fit. His was carved into a skeleton. I think it turned out really good, and definitely the most creative of the three pumpkins.

Kristen created a partially inverted Jack O'Lantern like last year. Even though the eye broke and had to be glued back on, Mr. O'Lantern came out looking pretty sharp.

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Camping Cookout at the Brooks' house

I arrived around 6:30pm - The smell of blueberry pie and beef (mmmm) was in the air, and Ann was furiously scrubbing at the berry-stained kitchen table. Cody was preparing the five pounds of meat, instructing Lindsay and Theresa to chop up the spices.

The burger's were great. They had onion, chipotle sauce, grated cheese, and I think parsley and oregano. Dessert was also excellent - the girls' blueberry pie and brownie cupcakes rocked, even though I didn't get a prize. Somehow I will carry on.

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