Point Reyes Hike

We had a whirlwind tour of the country this past week - Seattle, San Francisco, and Dallas. Before we flew from SF to Dallas, we stopped at Point Reyes National Seashore. There is a 4 mile trail (one way) named Bear Valley that starts at the Visitor's Center and ends at Arch Rock. It was a beautiful hike, through coastal woodlands.

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Fun-filled Festivies For the Fourth of...Fuly

I will master alliteration someday. For now though, I will be content to master the posting of images to the Internet. I have a selection of pictures taken during the 4th of July weekend at the Rock Ledge cabin. For those of you new to my site, click the "read more" link below to view the pictures. The pictures are not necessarily in chronological order, but don't worry: time is an illusion anyway.

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Hermosa and Topanga Canyon, CA

The siren call of batteries tempted us back to sunny California. We stayed in the Quality Inn on Aviation Boulevard, just five blocks from the beach. We took some time to explore the Santa Monica Mountains, particularly Topanga Canyon. Topanga. Ahaha. Anyways, "read more" for pictures.

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Congratulations, Kristen!

Congratulations Kristen, on getting your BS in Equine Science/Management. I hope you enjoy your break; you've earned it. Everyone back home will miss you. Good luck at work, and at school when you return for your doctorate.

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Partying with Junior in Philadelphia

Had a great time with the Millersville crew on Saturday, courtesy of Junior and his new apartment. We went to the Mad River, and drank a bit too much alcohol. The 2 AM cook-out helped a bit, but I was greeted by a wicked headache when Sunday morning dawned.

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You'll wind up in Centralia

Today I drove up to Centralia, PA. To summarize Wikipedia: in 1962, a trash fire caused a seam of exposed coal to begin burning. The coal is still burning away underground. All but 11 or 12 families have left the town. Most of the town was razed after the others left, and is today covered in new forest growths.

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Another chance at redemption blown

Well this past week, DW and I were sent, with protest, to the bowels of America. Back to the depressing, barren fields. Back! To the chemical plants disgorging their putrid wastes into the sky. Back, once more, to Louisiana.

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Takedown in Louisiana

DW and I were driving to a job in Thibodaux, LA. Our drive was interrupted by around a dozen police screaming down the street. We followed after them and soon encountered this scene. I managed to snap a few pictures before we drove past. The police were arresting a man who had fled from an officer after the man was pulled over for driving erratically. The police were taking no chances with this guy.

You can read more about it from the Daily Comet (PDF).

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Traveling into the Desert

RDO, JL and I were in Phoenix, Arizona this past week for work. We took the time to sample a little of everything nearby. For newcomers to this site, click the "Read More" link below to view the pictures.

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