The Tastiest Brain

On November 12th, I aged a year, as I often do. I don't know what it is about November twelfths that age me so, but Jen was there to cheer me up. How did she do this? She combined two of my favorite things - zombies and cupcakes.

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Chris falls down a mountain

We had a free day in Washington, so CW and I drove east toward Lake Wenatchee State Park. We hiked up a mountain, and mostly hiked back down again. Pictures were taken and posted here for your amusement.

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New theme!

As you can see, I've got a new theme! "Not another one," I hear you say? Allow me to explain why it's great...

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Pike Place Market

Last Tuesday we were in Seattle for some work, and we took time to visit Seattle's Pike Place Market - a haven for hippies, bakers, and crab-chucking fishmongers.

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Local "Time Machine" backups of remote systems with rsync

The Problem: I need to backup remote websites that have lots of files. I want to have incremental snapshots, so that I can have multiple backups of the same site without wasting lots of disk space. In other words, I want Apple's Time Machine for websites.

The Solution: I knew that the familiar rsync program could copy files from a server to my home computer. So I Googled and came across Michael Jakl's excellent Time Machine for every Unix out there. I've expanded his script and provided my results here, so that you can use it too. Read on for more info, and to download the script.

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