I haz made a site

I made a very basic website that consequently sat on the backburner for close to four years. It was for the dental laboratory my mother works at, Gold Dental Lab. I'm happy to say the site is finished, all one page of it! Gold Dental Lab is in Baltimore, MD, and they work on crowns, veneers, bridges, and whatever PFMs are. Their website is a single-page site, but there really isn't any more they want or need at this point.

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Hawaii 2010

Many of you know that I travel for a living, visiting exotic cities like Baton Rouge, LA, and Tulsa, OK. Yippee. But the years of toil pay off whenever we work somewhere interesting. in 2005 I was sent to Hawaii for work (and play), and on March 15th, 2010, I returned to Oahu with Jen in tow.

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Ann's Poetry Reading at Borders

October 17th, 2009 will be remembered as a day of infamy. Ann Brooks, Poet (or the French: Puaotesseme) delighted children and children's parents with choice selections from her recently published book.

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Jen's Hair Removal

Jen's Aunt Linda recently had a brain tumor removed. Along with the tumor, the surgeons gave her a tressectomy, resulting in a field of stubble. To show love and support, Jen's had her own hair removed (by my own hand, no less!). She is donating the hair to the Locks of Love children's charity. I've posted a few pictures for those wanting to see the process of deforestation.

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