Nixon Park, a quick tour

Went hiking yesterday at good ol’ Nixon Park, the park where I proposed to Jen so many months ago. If anyone remembers what day it was, please let me know before she reads this!

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Idling away at airports

So right now I’m killing time, waiting to board my plane destined for Tulsa. The weather here in Chicago is poor, and my original departure of 7:55 is long since a memory. I brought but a single book (oops), and I’m nearly finished with it. On the bright side, I’m posting this from my iPhone. I don’t think I could go back to a phone that can’t surf the web. Plus the new website backend makes posting from the phone a lot easier and quicker than it was before. American Airlines even has a mobile version of their site so that you can get flight status quickly on an iPhone or Blackberry.

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Visiting the clink

I've always been a fan of Sean Connery, but it pains me to tell you that he is not part of the Alcatraz United States Penitentiary tour. This came as quite a blow, but I was able to recover. CW & I got tickets in advance of our latest San Francisco trip. I made us miss our designated boat (I thought the walk would be nice & short; turns out it was nice & long). We were still able to catch the next boat, and finally check out what is probably the most famous prison in U.S. history.

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Decemberists at Messiah College

Finally got around to posting the pictures from the Decemberists a few weeks ago. This band is definitely one of my favorites, I'd say top 5. They have a specific sound & feel that is a bit folky, yet still very modern. Sea chanties abound, and tales of chimney sweeps and Spanish Princesses. The show was terrific, and they played almost everything I wanted to hear; alas, no "Mariner's Revenge." Enjoy the pictures, I will post the videos when I have some more time.

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Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia

All in one day - that must mean a trip to Harpers Ferry! The historic town sits on the intersection of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. I have written about the place before, so I will not go into its history. Needless to say, we hiked maybe 4 miles, up to the top of cliffs across from the town. Good times were had by all, and I even took some pictures I'm not ashamed of.

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Grandma B's 70th Birthday

This past Saturday the family got together and celebrated Grandma's 70th birthday at the Phoenixville Country Club. I saw people that I have missed, both those living far away, and those living near (I was on the receiving end of numerous chastisements). The food and drink were good (brie oh yeah!) and the company pleasing. Happy Birthday Grandma!

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Petroglyph National Monument

We spent some time in Albuquerque, New Mexico this week. I was able to go on a short (yet bitterly cold) hike through the Petroglyph National Monument. The area is home to thousands of petroglyphs carved by the Pueblo Indians.

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Christmas & New Year's 2006

Ah, the holidays. The mad bustle of shopping, the screaming and yelling of cooking, and the mad cacophony of a dozen simultaneous conversations 'round the tree. Such is Christmas at the Woltman house.

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