JT's Belt Test

This past Sunday, JT took his level #1 black belt test at Winterpast Dojo in North Carolina. His dedication to the martial arts is truly amazing. I have never seen him so intense, so driven as when he was being tested on his forms, on his moves, and when he was sparring. JT is one scary dude.

Quote from Scott: "He looks like pure evil...he's so focused and pissed looking"

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Downtown Denver in November

Work seems to have taken us back out west, this time to the capital of Colorado. I still had a Travel Bug that I needed to take to Coors Field and drop off. JL and I drove to the downtown area of Denver, Coors Field and the 16th Street Mall.

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Driving through Utah, Hiking in Colorado

After I was finished working in Bakersfield, I had to drive our big beastie van 1000+ miles to Denver, Colorado. I traveled through some amazing scenery, especially in Utah. But overloaded, aging Dodge vans aren't really made for driving up and down mountains. I eventually arrived in Denver, where I met up with Kristen. She suggested hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, so we did a 6 mile hike, and drove around the Ridge Road.

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Sequoia Day Trip

I had a free day out in California, so I drove up to Sequoia National Park. I was in the park before dawn, and came across a lone bear walking the road.

After I climbed up Moro Rock, I met a couple from Thibodeaux, LA of all places. It was a good trip, and I was able to get some good hiking in.

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Harvey Danger at the First Unitarian Church

I saw Harvey Danger this weekend, and chances are you that didn't, so I guess that makes me the winner. The show rocked; the openers were decent. The first act was US Funk Team, a local Philly band. They were spastic and fun. The second opener was So Many Dynamos. They were merely okay, but sound better in the studio. They had all their levels up way too high - more distortion than music.

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Cape Hatteras 2006

A week ago, I was feeling that I could definitely use some time away from the constant tedium of work. Even the best job in the world gets to you after awhile. Thankfully I had been invited to hang out for a week at Cape…

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Fishing in Fort Lauderdale

We were down in Fort Lauderdale for work two weeks ago, and had a pretty good time. The hotel (Embassy Suites) was great, as was the sushi place a block down the street (they even had a lounge singer).

On one of our free days, DW, JL, and I chartered a boat for a three hour fishing trip.

We boarded the Lady Pamela II in the morning, and set out for adventure on the not-so-high seas. The captain took us off a few miles off shore, where we fished for bait. After catching enough bait we headed a bit further out and started the serious fishing.

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