Stable Diffusion and other AI Art Notes

Extensions to Check out

Checkpoint Notes

Lots of stable diffusion model checkpoints have recommended settings. Here are some of them.

Real Dream

  • Default SD 1.5: Use the “DPM++ SDE Karras” or “DPM++ 2M Karras” sampler with only 20 steps for better quality. “DPM++ SDE Karras” has better quality but is slow.
  • Default SD 1.5: Use the CFG scale between 5 and 9. CFG scale at 5 is recommended. Stable Diffusion default value is 7. For the cartoon model, CFG in 8-9 has had better results.
  • SD 1.5 LCM: Use the “Euler a” or “LCM” sampler with only 8 steps for better quality.
  • SD 1.5 LCM: Use the CFG scale between 1 and 2. CFG scale at 2 is recommended.
  • LCM with DPM++ SDE Karras: Sampling steps 8, Hires. Fix enabled, upscaler nearest, Hires steps 2, hires. denoise 0.45, upscale by 1.05, cfg scale 1.5.
  • LCM with DPM++ 2M Karras: Sampling steps 8, Hires. Fix enabled, upscaler nearest, Hires steps 2, hires. denoise 0.55, upscale by 1.05, cfg scale 1.5.
  • Resolution between 512 and 768 using “Hires. Fix” or other form of upscaling.
  • If you use “Hires. Fix”, use “Upscale by” with the value 1.5 with denoising at 0.6.
  • Tips for a better prompt:
    • Use (word) for larger weight and [word] for smaller weight and word:0.5 to set the weight manually.
  • Recomendations for improvement on performance:
    • Use Token Merging Ratio 0.5 on optimization settings.
    • If you have a GPU with low VRAM, use –medvram on command line arguments (webui-user.bat on Windows).
  • Recommended negative prompts to improve human images: amputee, deformed body, long neck, extra fingers, bad body proportions, mutated hands, mutilated, mutation, ugly, fused fingers, malformed limbs, extra heads, disfigured,


Recommended settings: DPM++ 3M SDE Karras or DPM++ 2M Karras, 20-30 steps, 2.5-5 CFG (or use Dynamic Thresholding), happiest at 640×960 with a hires fix on top, but if you are happy to hunt through seeds to avoid head duplicates, 768×1152 works quite well also.

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