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Bits and Bobs of Glasgow & Edinburgh
John Says Vertical Divider Jen Says Vertical Divider They say
Well our stay at the Buchanan hotel was uneventful. The hotel was clean and simple. Once I figured out how to flush the toilet I was all set. I'm sure Glasgow is a nice place, but truth to tell we didn't leave the bedroom much. The hotel is an old building on Buchanan Street. I couldn't figure out how to control the radiator's thermostat so the room was freezing all night long. For breakfast we had the typical Scottish fare - sausage, bacon, eggs, stewed tomatoes, toast, jam, dark salt patties, croissant (the croissant's Scots lineage is a bit suspect I think).

We walked around the Buchanan Street area and saw some of the Victorian buildings that marked Glasgow as aged. Jen hadn't been feeling well, so we reluctantly returned to the hotel's bed.

I'm writing from the first class cabin of the ScotRail 11:15 to Edinburgh (Waverly Station). Our bags are kind of large, but they fit easily enough. I'm going to put away the computer and enjoy the scenery.


We took a cab from the train station to our first bed and breakfast, Elderfield House. The proprietor, Maureen, turned out to be a retired computer programmer who had worked for petroleum companies writing systems in the COBOL language. We walked around Edinburgh aimlessly for a bit, then turned in early.
Last night we stayed at the Buchanan Hotel in Glasgow. Our room was pretty good, but for whatever reason it was equipped with one double bed and one single. Hmmm. The cold and hot water in the bathroom came out of separate taps.

Somehow we managed to fall asleep and not wake up till midnight or something crazy like that and there was no hope of finding dinner so we held out till breakfast. Hot breakfast was included and by now I was totally hungry from missing meals so I ate everything there was: eggs, weird stewed tomatoes, a very flat french toast with no syrup, a sausage link, something that looked like hash shaped like a sausage patty, and a little round thing that looked like pumpernickel bread but was way too salty to be bread. Some other kind of sausage maybe?

And coffee.

After breakfast, we walked a bit around Glasgow to make sure we knew where Queen Street train station was. And we saw a statue of some dude and a few buildings and by then I was tired so we went back to the hotel so I could go back to sleep.

I believe I'm still sick and it's hard to appreciate all the scenery when you hurt all over.

But now we're on the train to Edinburgh, and I feel a bit better. We are in 1st class so I am drinking a complimentary coffee and eating my free shortbread. Today it's sunny and there are cool houses on the way and cows and sheep. And the bitty lambs run away when the train goes by.

Now we've arrived in Edinburgh and checked into Elderfields Guesthouse. We got settled and left to explore the Royal Mile. We stopped at Cafe Vivo and I got a hummus, olive, and spinach sandwich. Then we walked up this huge hill to Edinburgh Castle where John wasted some money to get me in because by the time we got to the top of the hill I was completely freezing and miserable and wished I'd stayed at the B & B to sleep. Will I ever get better?!?

On the way back down I did find some vegetable soup and John tried an Irn Bru, some very strange soda that tastes kinda like orange-bubblegum.

And then back to sleep for me. Again.

Mike Milner said:
Hash-like, huh. And you ate it? LOL I'm glad you finally got something to eat, Jenna.

John, I'm sooooo jealous ... of the Scotland trip, I mean.

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